Walk it down, these apples get better with time. Solid tannin levels from the apples coupled with loads of flavor from the charred rhum barrels and you could make a case that this one should be called apple wine. It could also make a really nice Stone Fence cocktail. The choice is yours. Please drink responsibly. thx, mgmt
33% Major apples, non-certified organically grown from Kearn's in Dayton, OR
33% Tremlett's Bitter apples, non-certified organically grown from Kearn's in Dayton, OR
34% Newtown Pippin apples, certified organic from Mann's in Watsonville, CA
Maceration: Newtown Pippin – 4 days
Fermentation: Spontaneous
Vessel: Agricole Rhum barrels (from Rhum J.M. in Martinique)
Additives: None
Carbonation: Still
750 mL bottle / 8% alc. by vol.
Vintage: 2020
suggested Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2sIt3yOCbtJC5JOlWumdJd?si=944624306c33420a