there's quite a bit going on here yet everything seemed to balance out and achieve the desired goal at the end, that of earning top marks in drinkability. juiciness wrangled in with a touch of bitterness. acid dialed down from a pinch of sweetness. see that was the plan the past three seasons for the 76ers for whom this cider was named after. but all those star players never meshed. well this here beverage figured it out. now pass this cider to a champion!
60% Heirloom/Dessert apples (Gravenstein, Joanthan, Mutsu, Golden Delicious) from certified organic Gowan's in Philo, CA, non-certified biodynamically grown Windrose Farm in Creston, CA and non-certified organically grown Majestic Ranch in Cayucos, CA
25% Bittersweet apples (Major, Yarlington Mill, 3 French varieties) from non-certified organically grown Kearn's in Dayton, OR
15% Bittersharp apples (Kingston Black, Porter's Perfection, Tremlett's Bitter) from non-certified organically grown Kearn's in Dayton, OR
Maceration: Mutsu - 10 days, Golden Delicious - 8 days, Jonathan - 6 days
Fermentation: Spontaneous
Vessel: Amphora, Flextank and Demijohns
Additives: None
Carbonation: Pet-Nat (sparkling)
750 mL bottle / 7.83% alc. by vol.
Artwork: Michelle Scott
Vintage: 2020
suggested Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3lWLOlxTYWuu4qXXBsxdRK?si=4c93d22da1434725