Back again, same as the reverse. The infamous pomme trio has dropped it's second vintage while looking to top debut gold with some added platinum. Time will tell but it has been seen steadily climbing the charts. Shocker alert: ATCQ disappears in Season 3 as the pear trees were ripped out due to low production. So get 'em while you can! Spoiler alert: a new stash of perry trees has been discovered and is currently under negotiations for a Season 4 vintage. Special thanks to Jaco in Switzerland for inspiring the creation of this pomme power trio.
36% Bittersharp apples (Harrison, Porter's Perfection, Tremlett's Bitter) from non-certified organically grown Harmony Orchards in Tieton, WA and Kearn's in Dayton, OR
33% Bittersweet apples (Dabinett, Yarlington Mill) from non-certified organically grown Harmony Orchards in Tieton, WA and Kearn's in Dayton, OR
13% Heirloom/Dessert apples (Gravenstein, Newtown Pippin, Golden Delicious) from certified organic Gowan's in Philo, CA, certified organic Mann's in Watsonville, CA and non-certified organically grown Majestic Ranch in Cayucos, CA
12% Pears (Hendre Huffcap) non-certified organically grown from Harmony Orchards in Tieton, WA
6% Quince (Pineapple) non-certified organically grown from Majestic Ranch in Cayucos, CA
Maceration: Quince – 7 days, Newtown Pippin - 2 days
Fermentation: Spontaneous (Fermented separately, blended 2 days before bottling)
Vessel: Apples - Amphora and Flextank, Pears/Quince - Glass Demijohn
Additives: None
Carbonation: Pet-Nat (sparkling)
750 mL bottle / 7.14% alc. by vol.
Artwork: Fiona Durham
Vintage: 2020
suggested Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6faIkVmAZLlXsU84oKOkFB?si=fad4ab411dca4347