bruh, there's no codswallop going on inside this bottle. here it's nothing but juice, NBJ! so no need to worry, it's all good. and so fresh and so clean, clean. do know that in this instance we will be clippin' tastebuds if they flinch. sort of like nightwatchman Sam from Today's Special. (it was Herbert and LuLu who were the henchmen but you get the point). lots of great acid, tons of fun bubbles. pull up with a plate of manilla clams and potatoes or maybe grilled veg and romesco and please, don't flinch. peace
38% Mutsu apples from no-spray Topotero Orchards in San Luis Obispo, CA
30% Chardonnay grapes from non-certified biodynamically grown Bassi Ranch in San Luis Obispo, CA
25% Gravenstein apples from certified organic Gowan's in Philo, CA
7% Jonathan apples from non-certified biodynamically grown Windrose Farm in Creston, CA (Barbara and Bill Spencer's last harvest)
Maceration: 3 days in clay amphora
Fermentation: Spontaneous
Vessel: Amphora
Additives: None
Carbonation: Pet-Nat
750 mL bottle / 9% alc. by vol.
Vintage: 2020
suggested Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2CTRmvK6t6psRVIyri1n6q?si=d54d85719004458a